That is my body - games
66 Credits
Für Sie als Mitglied entspricht dies 6,60 Euro.
- Vorwort: Thematische Einführung
- Vorlage: Elternbrief
- Flashcard 1: This is my body
- Flashcards 2/3: This is my face/I can feel with my hands
- Flashcards 4/9: My head/ear/eye/nose/mouth/hair
- Flashcards 10/15: My arm/hand/finger/leg/knee/foot
- Flashcards 16/17: I can taste with my tongue/I can hear with my ears
- Flashcards 18/19: I can see with my eyes/I can smell with my nose
- Bewegungsspiele: I spy with my little eye.../Simon says.../Watch carefully!/Head to head!/The robot/Lets move!
- Five senses games: I can feel with my hands
- Rhyme: Oliver Twist (mit Audiodatei)/Games: I can taste with my mouth/I can hear with my ears
- Five senses games: I can see with my eyes/I can smell with my nose
- Song: Head and shoulders, knees and toes (mit Audiodatei)
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